fbpx Seifallah Mrabet Ingénieur Géomètre Expert Agréé Liste A Etudes, Topographe | mramma.tn

Seifallah Mrabet Ingénieur Géomètre Expert Agréé Liste A

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Seifallah Mrabet Ingénieur Géomètre Expert Agréé Liste A


SM Aero Survey and Mapping is an engineering company specializing in Geomatics and Topography based in Tunisia. Our areas of expertise: - Digital Mapping Aerial photography and LIDAR data processing, Mobile mapping, 3D stereoscopic restitution, production of Orthophotos, DTM and DSM, 3D Models, Large- and small-scale maps. - TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING Survey, processing of topographic data, design and implementation of road projects and other networks. - Modeling and implementation of a 2D & 3D WEB Geographic information system.

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